Many people has been giving their view about 1 Malaysia and its challenge. I agree that they are many challenge that we as a MALAYSIAN will face in the future to archive those dream of a united and harmornios country and this is my point of view about 1 Malaysia and my hope that it will archive our dream "A ONE MALAYSIA"
The 1 Malaysia concept is nothing very new about it as it is just a new words that had been coin by our YAB Prime Minister’ Najib A.R.
It actually the same goal that what our forefather and our leader were doing in the first place from the first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Tan Cheng Look , Tun Sanbathan ,Tun Abdul Razak, Tun Hussein Onn, Tun DR M , Tun Abdullah and now our current Primer, Dato Sri Najib Razak
Before the 1Malaysia concept was announce by our premier. The concept was already been implement through Our National Philosophies Of Education, Rukun Negara and also the Vision 2020 mooted by Tun Dr Mahathir in the '90s , Negara Bangsa in ‘2000s all with the same goal as 1Malaysia and was actually being taught in school classes detailing each and every points and it is still be taught on and today it is taught under the PIPP 2006-2010 (Pelan Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan)
The 1MALAYSIA by our premier, i applauded as a spear that will carry more weight as it will touch us as a “1 Community” . The building of 1 Malaysia is important for multicultural country like us especially in the era of globalization that allow the fast and free flow of information, capital and human also system of value, cultural and belief from all over the world. 1 Malaysia will depend by the sharing of value and also the spirit of patriotism, lingua franca, integrations, citizenship and democratic.
But we have not achieved even half of it .This including the Bangsa Malaysia. Thanks to the mismanagement of the country’s flaw in its Education that progated Racialism such early on in its citizen life. Even in Primary 1, the first chapter that our children had been taught is to difference each people living in our country not as a whole Malaysia but difference entities Such as Ahmad is Malay, Mutu is Indian, and Ah Chong is Chinese.
Then we had a lot of local News paper that had abuse the freedom of the press that seen to championing each races and also enticing Racial problem and fanning the small ember to fire if it is not stop early on
Thus from my point of view, education must give more emphasis toward education to created and maintain the collective spirit of 1 Malaysia among our generation. The challenge of globalization and liberation demand dynamic change in our education system to born “Warganegara Glokal” that are smart in their action to face the challenge of globalization and liberation following the local mould or “acuan tempatan”.
Thus to create student that will live as a caring community, democratic, liberal, “bertolak- ansur”, thinking, scientific cultural
“ History is a lesson to be learned to know the background of “what is today”. It cannot be a statement written in stone to be unchangeable today. Everyday as we live, history is being written. If mutual responsibility never existed before due to circumstances then, it does not mean that we have to perpetuate the historical circumstances that never gave birth to mutual responsibility. We have to create the history of mutual responsibility and for this be done we
must have the ability and wisdom to understand the children of today.”
Human beings, regardless of which social grouping the Creator has chosen to put them into have one thing in common – human dignity and the need to be respected as a fellow human being. 1Malaysia Vision will fail if it cannot bring forth policies that will give birth to mutual respect between the citizen.
The creation of MUTUAL RESPECT among the people requires many things to be done. A few examples will be – equality as a human being in the diverse spheres of life, ascension to positions of wealth and responsibility due to skill, and effort and not through unfair handouts (this does not mean the less fortunate ones should not enjoy a “handicap”). Where respect is lacking, tension and hypocrisy is the result. It cannot foster true unity. There are so many things that can be written on this point
Hopefuly 1 Malaysia will created the idea of mutual responsibility and “sense of belonging” to it citizen that Malaysia is their home. People must be able to feel that they and their siblings can depend on this country for their sustenance and survival. They must be able to feel that they can invest all their energy, creativity, emotions and effort in this country so that they and their siblings can receive due benefit from their investments. This is their SOIL and will move forward in one kinship and togetherness with the spirit of one Malaysia.
Thus i end my post with a quote from The official blog of our Prime Minister of Malaysia
“1Malaysia digagaskan sebagai satu formula yang menjadi pra-syarat bagi memastikan aspirasi negara mencapai status negara maju menjelang tahun 2020 tercapai,jika ia diterapkan ke dalam sanubari rakyat dan diamalkan oleh setiap lapisan masyarakat. Jika "Bangsa Malaysia" yang diilhamkan melalui Wawasan 2020 adalah matlamat akhir perjalanan ini, maka 1Malaysia adalah penunjuk haluan kearah matlamat itu. Pengertian ini adalah bertunjangkan hujah bahawa untuk mencapai status negara maju dalam jangkamasa yang telah ditetapkan, syarat yang paling utama ialah sebuah negara yang kukuh dan stabil dan ini akan hanya dapat dicapai apabila rakyatnya bersatu padu”
Quote from
Dato Seri Najib Razak bin Abdul Razak’
The Prime Minister of Malaysia,

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Saturday, July 4
The Challenge of 1 Malaysia
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12:03 am
Labels: The Challenge of Malaysia
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