“You are like a private garden, my treasure, my bride! You are like a spring that no one else can drink from, a fountain of my own. 13 You are like a lovely orchard bearing precious fruit, with the rarest of perfumes: 14 nard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon, myrrh and aloes, perfume from every incense tree, and every other lovely spice. 15 You are a garden fountain, a well of living water, as refreshing as the streams from the mountains.”
“I am here in my garden, my treasure, my bride! I gather my myrrh with my spices and eat my honeycomb with my honey. I drink my wine with my milk.”
“Oh, lover and beloved, eat and drink! Yes, drink deeply of this love!”
Kelana Jaya Lake Park ,Selangor

stop by again at the Kelana Jaya Lake Garden when I was on my way back home. The time was around 7.08 in the morning
The Lake is one of my favourite since im study at UNITAR.... Meet alot of people...
The lake is very calming in deed that i usualy come here...for a walk especialy arlir in the morning or before dusk...becouse of its scenery.....Being Ones with The NAture...ah ..what a wanderfull gift indeed that God and Mother Nature Gave us..
Thank You for you gift i had kept me well company here at Kelana Jaya
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