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Monday, March 17

Feeling Lonely

Sitting here....i was feeling so lost ...somehow there's something missing here this morning and last night... i slept early hoping that this feeling will go away after i was at home all night long facing the computer doing nothing..

Then i wake to my bed. I sat there for a long time...just staring there in the darkness.... there i was feeling empty deep inside wondering what am i looking for? . No body has been calling me these weeks.. My had hand phone was my best friend until now of late...Don’t know why... i feel like hating my hand phone sometimes. the first thing comes into my mind was for my hand phone to ring .even if it just a short SMS saying Hi! . all i want is just to talk with friend during the holiday at home on my night and nothing else why is it so hard?

There were many plan had been cancelled due to some reasons, feeling down because of that makes me feel like I’m the only one left in this world buying myself a cake and sing birthday song...

i donno bout others... but if it's my closest frens' birthday i would put out all my effort to celebrate with her even though there's only 2 of us to make sure she is not lonely on her night...

sorry....maybe im just feeling....

I’m just feeling extremely lonely tonight....i just wish that i will heard a familiar voice today..even if it just for a while..

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Love of A Little World