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Saturday, August 12

My New friend in Unitar

Fuad witha member of Photograph (Shamerin)
With Mus of May
Yantzen of May
This is Fuad of Kuantan He currently in Taking Diploma in Management and was standing with some one that i dontknow( pardon me but i'm a chinese) .it was taken in a concert in Kelantan just some week ago while following them there.... hemm the concert was quite a blast.!!!!!
this was taken when Hafiz of Besut take the lead and enter behind the stage !! (^_^).together with Hafiz of Kuala terengganu,Former SMK Manir School CAptain,Adi of Perak whom is taking the Bachelor of Education in UNITAR KOTA BHARU.

But This will be later post....secretly.. i wonder will Fuad see this photo?

There are more picture but i decide to do a preview a bout Fuad first and then later the rest of my flet mate and then the whole July 2006 (Budak Education) batch at Unitar Regional Centar at Kota Bharu

Bye! bye!

Jangan Marah Yeeer!!!!

Today ,17,sep.2006

This is Zami .Dip of Management
his unitar email is

He From Kemaman a fresh student here.

any body want to join unitar?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love of A Little World